
PRE-ORDER: The Lights of Guidance: English Translation of Anwar al-Hidayah, Vol. 2

Institute for Spiritual and Cultural Advancement (ISCA)

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From the Knowledge Oceans of the Divine Side

Author: Mawlana Shaykh Muhammad Nazim al-Haqqani 

Translator: Dr. Gibril Fouad Haddad

“The Mahdi is the caliph appointed by Allah. May Allah hasten his emergence! May Allah answer us! You shall see the reality of khilāfa (successor­ship) with him. When Allah has dressed him and given him permission to man­ifest his khilāfa truly, you shall see what happens. He is the manifestation of the verse and He has subjected to you what is in the skies and what is on earth entirely from Him (Jāthiya 45:13). That is Ṣāḥib al-zamān (the spiritual leader of end times). He makes himself and the common people equal. It is not mere elevation and making the lowest higher. Rather with a single look he will make the servant reach his level. The common public will have wilāya ṣughrā (minor sainthood) and the elite will have wilāya kubrā (major sainthood). To all of them, what is on the Preserved Tablet will be unveiled and visible. They will have a folding of distance from east to west and they will have the power to appear in many places. They will have with them ‘Be!—and it is.’”

--Mawlana Shaykh Nazim al-Haqqani (Suhba II.31)

100 Suhbas by the Muhammadan Inheritor of our time, the Nurturer of the Knowers of Allah, Sultan al-Awliya, Mawlana Shaykh Muhammad Nazim al-Haqqani--may Allah sanctify his secret--on the importance of the spiritual life, the infiniteness of spiritual knowledge, the supremacy of divine mercy, the divine honoring of all human beings since before time, the primordiality of belief in all human beings, the defeat of one's ego as the precondition of spiritual caliphate and more.

500 pages

ISBN: 9781938058837

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